Is Vijay Badllani being type cast in Costume dramas in TV?
Movie and TV actor Vijay G Badllani is a busy man. He can be seen in 3 TV serials being broadcasted on various channels. On Zee TV he is seen in 'Jodha Akbar' as Tansen, on Big Magic channel he is seen in serial 'Bal Gopal Kare Dhamaal' as a Kuns, and in Sony Sab he is seen in serial 'Yam Hain Hum' as a Naarad. All the three are costume dramas.
It begins to appear that Badllani is being now type casted for costume dramas. He plays Naarad Muni, Tansen and Kuns in these serials.
"I don't think I am being type cast. I appear as common man in two serials except Jodha Akbar. So it is not typecasting at all. I am enjoying my characters and that is what means most to me. People are also enjoying the work I put in. Typecasting does not hurt actor’s image. Negative and positive roles can make a difference in actors work. ," says Vijay Badllani.
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