A crime-romantic film that follows the life of Jayantabhai (Vivek Oberoi), a small time gangster falls unexpectedly in love with Simran (Neha Sharma) his neighbor. The film is produced by Kumar S. Taurani and directed by Vinnil Markan.
It is the story about how people unexpectedly fall in love with the people whom they had least expected to even in their dreams.
Jayantabhai is a street-thug who lives in Mumbai, a happy-go-lucky and a complacent single guy. Just staying opposite to his door is another tenant – Simran, who is a simple young girl, a go-getter and a rebel.
They are worlds apart.
Here is a light and frothy romantic comedy of a small time gangster and a simple, jobless damsel who has
come to Mumbai for a job. Simran comes to Mumbai and stays in a rented apartment, and it has Jayantabhai as her neighbour.
Full review of Jayantabhai... and more pics on : www.filmytown.com